Tuesday, July 15, 2008

(Net)working away...

Just popping in to say "Hi!" and "Working on Heart Song, I swear" and "Anyone want to read my book?". I got my copy a couple weeks ago, hugged it and squeed and didn't put it down for an hour. Every now and then, I take "Heart Sense" off the shelf and kind of marvel, like, wow, is that really mine? The family still wants to read it, and they're welcome to buy their own copy. Mine is mine own, my precious, my...erm, yeah.

A snippet will be posted sometime this week, as soon as I figure out how. I've read the first three chapters of the other Prizm books, by the way, and they are all absolutely awesome. I should get the whole set sooner or later. And I'm really looking forward to reading all of them. :) I'll post reviews as I read them.

For now, here's my 'official' logo designy art bit:

Note to self: fix the link-y bits and all that...