Sunday, May 25, 2008

Up on Amazon!

Funny how this gets more and more real as the days go by. On Friday, May 30th, I hit Book Expo America to meet with the ladies of Prizm Books to hold and cuddle Heart Sense in my hands and call it George.

A couple days ago, Heart Sense also got listed on Amazon, where it's currently in-stock. I might have to order a copy for myself. *g* And I have postcards, which are awesome in and of themselves. They list me as a 'world-traveled author' with a 'strong academic background.' Glad those two English degrees are finally paying off. :) :)

Are you excited? I am! I can't wait for Friday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I's Ben

If you've worked in a bookstore (I have), you know what an "is-ben" is. You can probably rattle a few off, especially if they ever had anything to do with Oprah and a bookclub. An ISBN is the number that every store in the world uses to classify a book. It's the International Standard Book Number, and it's kind of like having your thesis on file with MLA somewhere. It's the SSN for your book.

And I have one.

Granted, the book's not listed for distribution anywhere, but it has gone to print. And I have seen the full cover and back blurb (hee), including a price and an ISBN. Nothing I've ever written had an ISBN before. This, the full cover PDF and the final proof (e-proof), is my real book. And I know I've said it before, but...

OMGWTFBBQ where's the polar bear?

I HAVE A BOOK! And you can all buy it in September.

It's even listed on the website! And I'll post the back blurb in the next couple days. Can't throw too much at you at once. *eg*