Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What's up with the world in her head?

So, I've got this world in my head. I've mentioned that, right? I like to call it my cat head world, after Dr. Seuss' cat head painting, "A Plethora of Cats." Legend tells that, when he had writer's block, he'd go to this painting and paint cat heads until the writer's block broke. Because there was always room for another cat head.

I guess the world in my head is kind of like that. It started off with a dream I had when I was nine and kind of grew from there. When Prizm Books mentioned launching a new Young Adult line, I thought, hey, I've got some teenagers in this world. Two in particular came to mind, with a story I'd once scripted out for a (rejected) comic script. And Katjin and Mikael's story was born.

What the hey is it about? Katjin's a son of the Horse Clans, and he wanders the Lowlands and plains of the Horse Clans with his merchant father. Mikael, born to a Lowlands family, escapes to the plains of the Horse Clans when he realizes he's a heart-sense (an empath), and meets up with Katjin. Or, as Mikael refuses to admit, is rescued by Katjin. Their lives from that moment are entwined, and they have to work together to keep Mikael from the Empire who wants to use him for his emotion-sensing abilities. Working together might be a bit of a problem, though, since they don't tolerate each other very much...

So, that's the story of Heart Sense. As the cover is released, I'll post snippets and things like that. I hope you enjoy your foray into my cat head world, because I know I've gotten a kick out of writing it. :)

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